Master Windows Keyboard Shortcuts: Your Ultimate Guide

In today’s fast-paced digital world, efficiency is key. Whether you’re a student, professional, or casual computer user, mastering Windows keyboard shortcuts can significantly boost your productivity and simplify daily tasks. These shortcuts allow you to perform common actions like copying text, switching applications, and managing files without relying solely on a mouse.

Our comprehensive guide covers 100+ Windows keyboard shortcuts, ranging from basic functions to advanced commands, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Bookmark this page and start incorporating these shortcuts into your workflow to save valuable time and effort!

S. No.Shortcut KeyUse/Function
1Ctrl + CCopy selected item to the clipboard.
2Ctrl + XCut the selected item.
3Ctrl + VPaste the copied or cut item.
4Ctrl + ZUndo the last action.
5Ctrl + YRedo the last undone action.
6Ctrl + ASelect all items in the current window or document.
7Ctrl + SSave the current document or file.
8Ctrl + PPrint the current document or file.
9Ctrl + FOpen the Find bar to search within the document or web page.
10Ctrl + HOpen the Find and Replace dialog box.
11Ctrl + NOpen a new window or document.
12Ctrl + WClose the current window or tab.
13Ctrl + TOpen a new tab in the browser.
14Ctrl + TabSwitch to the next tab in a browser.
15Ctrl + Shift + TabSwitch to the previous tab in a browser.
16Ctrl + DBookmark the current webpage in the browser.
17Alt + TabSwitch between open applications.
18Alt + F4Close the currently active window or application.
19Alt + EnterOpen the properties dialog for the selected item.
20Windows + DShow or hide the desktop.
21Windows + EOpen File Explorer.
22Windows + LLock the computer.
23Windows + MMinimize all windows.
24Windows + Shift + MRestore minimized windows.
25Windows + ROpen the Run dialog box.
26Windows + IOpen Settings.
27Windows + SOpen the search bar.
28Windows + TabOpen Task View to see all open windows and desktops.
29Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen the Task Manager directly.
30Ctrl + Alt + DelOpen a menu with Lock, Switch User, Sign Out, or Task Manager.
31PrtScnTake a screenshot of the entire screen.
32Alt + PrtScnTake a screenshot of the active window.
33Windows + Shift + STake a screenshot of a specific area using Snipping Tool.
34Windows + (+/-)Zoom in or out using the Magnifier tool.
35Windows + PSwitch display modes (e.g., Extend, Duplicate).
36Windows + Ctrl + DCreate a new virtual desktop.
37Windows + Ctrl + F4Close the current virtual desktop.
38Windows + Arrow KeysSnap windows to the sides or corners of the screen.
39Ctrl + Shift + NCreate a new folder in File Explorer.
40F2Rename the selected item.
41F5Refresh the active window or webpage.
42F11Toggle full-screen mode in the browser or File Explorer.
43Ctrl + Shift + TReopen the last closed tab in a browser.
44Ctrl + EscOpen the Start menu.
45Ctrl + BackspaceDelete the previous word.
46Ctrl + DeleteDelete the next word.
47Ctrl + Arrow KeyMove the cursor by words instead of letters.
48Shift + Arrow KeySelect text letter by letter.
49Ctrl + Shift + Arrow KeySelect text word by word.
50Ctrl + SpaceSelect the entire column in Excel.
43Ctrl + Shift + TReopen the last closed tab in a browser.
44Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen the Task Manager directly.
45Ctrl + EscOpen the Start menu.
46Ctrl + BackspaceDelete the previous word.
47Ctrl + DeleteDelete the next word.
48Ctrl + Arrow KeyMove the cursor by words instead of letters.
49Shift + Arrow KeySelect text letter by letter.
50Ctrl + Shift + Arrow KeySelect text word by word.
51Ctrl + SpaceSelect the entire column in Excel.
52Ctrl + Shift + SpaceSelect the entire row in Excel.
53Ctrl + EnterInsert a page break in Word or execute a highlighted command in Command Prompt.
54Ctrl + HomeMove to the beginning of the document.
55Ctrl + EndMove to the end of the document.
56Windows + UOpen Ease of Access settings.
57Windows + KOpen the Connect panel to pair with wireless devices.
58Windows + GOpen the Game Bar.
59Windows + Ctrl + Left/RightSwitch between virtual desktops.
60Ctrl + Alt + Arrow KeysRotate the screen (on supported devices).
61Ctrl + LFocus the address bar in a browser.
62Ctrl + Shift + DeleteOpen the clear browsing data dialog in a browser.
63Windows + . (Period)Open the emoji keyboard.
64Shift + DeletePermanently delete an item without moving it to the Recycle Bin.
65Alt + SpaceOpen the system menu for the active window (e.g., Restore, Minimize, Close).
66Windows + Ctrl + Shift + BRestart the graphics driver.
67Ctrl + Numpad +Zoom in (in supported applications like browsers or Photoshop).
68Ctrl + Numpad -Zoom out (in supported applications).
69Alt + Up ArrowNavigate to the parent folder in File Explorer.
70Alt + Left ArrowGo back in File Explorer or a browser.
71Alt + Right ArrowGo forward in File Explorer or a browser.
72Windows + HOpen the dictation tool.
73Ctrl + Shift + VPaste without formatting.
74Alt + EscCycle through open applications in the order they were opened.
75Windows + XOpen the Quick Link menu (Power User menu).
76Ctrl + Shift + NCreate a new folder in File Explorer.
77Ctrl + Shift + EExpand all folders in the Navigation pane in File Explorer.
78Ctrl + Up ArrowScroll up in a webpage without moving the cursor.
79Ctrl + Down ArrowScroll down in a webpage without moving the cursor.
80Windows + Shift + Left/RightMove an active window to another monitor.
81Ctrl + Alt + TabView all open windows and apps (similar to Alt + Tab, but stays open).
82Ctrl + Shift + UUnderline text in applications like Word.
83Ctrl + Shift + LCreate a bullet list in Word.
84Windows + Pause/BreakOpen System Properties.
85Windows + FOpen the Feedback Hub.
86Ctrl + 1, 2, 3…Switch between browser tabs based on their number.
87Windows + Shift + SCapture a portion of the screen.
88Alt + Shift + TabSwitch between open apps in reverse order.
89Ctrl + Shift + POpen a private browsing window in most browsers.
90Ctrl + ` (Grave Accent)Open the console in applications like Visual Studio Code.
91Ctrl + KInsert a hyperlink in Word or email clients.
92Ctrl + QClose a document in some programs.
93Ctrl + OOpen a file in most programs.
94Windows + Ctrl + FSearch for PCs on the network.
95Windows + BFocus the notification area (system tray).
96Ctrl + Shift + TReopen the last closed tab in a browser.
97Windows + Shift + MRestore minimized windows from the taskbar.
98Shift + Click on Taskbar AppOpen a new instance of the application.
99Ctrl + Shift + NOpen an incognito window in Google Chrome.
100Windows + Ctrl + Shift + CCopy the color code using the Snipping Tool.

Keyboard shortcuts are the secret weapon of tech-savvy users, enabling quick and seamless navigation through Windows. By memorizing these commands, you can minimize repetitive mouse clicks and focus on what truly matters.

From creating virtual desktops to managing browser tabs, these shortcuts are designed to make multitasking easier than ever. Start with the basics and gradually explore advanced shortcuts for managing files, screenshots, and system settings. The more you practice, the more second nature they’ll become.

If you find this guide helpful, share it with your friends or colleagues and help them unlock the full potential of their Windows PCs. For more tech tips and productivity hacks, explore the rest of our website!

S. No. Shortcut Key Use/Function
1 Ctrl + C Copy selected item to the clipboard.
2 Ctrl + X Cut the selected item.
3 Ctrl + V Paste the copied or cut item.
4 Ctrl + Z Undo the last action.
5 Ctrl + Y Redo the last undone action.
6 Ctrl + A Select all items in the current window or document.
7 Ctrl + S Save the current document or file.
8 Ctrl + P Print the current document or file.
9 Ctrl + F Open the Find bar to search within the document or web page.
10 Ctrl + H Open the Find and Replace dialog box.
11 Ctrl + N Open a new window or document.
12 Ctrl + W Close the current window or tab.
13 Ctrl + T Open a new tab in the browser.
14 Ctrl + Tab Switch to the next tab in a browser.
15 Ctrl + Shift + Tab Switch to the previous tab in a browser.
16 Ctrl + D Bookmark the current webpage in the browser.
17 Alt + Tab Switch between open applications.
18 Alt + F4 Close the currently active window or application.
19 Alt + Enter Open the properties dialog for the selected item.
20 Windows + D Show or hide the desktop.
21 Windows + E Open File Explorer.
22 Windows + L Lock the computer.
23 Windows + M Minimize all windows.
24 Windows + Shift + M Restore minimized windows.
25 Windows + R Open the Run dialog box.
26 Windows + I Open Settings.
27 Windows + S Open the search bar.
28 Windows + Tab Open Task View to see all open windows and desktops.
29 Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open the Task Manager directly.
30 Ctrl + Alt + Del Open a menu with Lock or Switch User or Sign Out or Task Manager.
31 PrtScn Take a screenshot of the entire screen.
32 Alt + PrtScn Take a screenshot of the active window.
33 Windows + Shift + S Take a screenshot of a specific area using Snipping Tool.
34 Windows + (+/-) Zoom in or out using the Magnifier tool.
35 Windows + P Switch display modes (Extend and Duplicate).
36 Windows + Ctrl + D Create a new virtual desktop.
37 Windows + Ctrl + F4 Close the current virtual desktop.
38 Windows + Arrow Keys Snap windows to the sides or corners of the screen.
39 Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder in File Explorer.
40 F2 Rename the selected item.
41 F5 Refresh the active window or webpage.
42 F11 Toggle full-screen mode in the browser or File Explorer.
43 Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab in a browser.
44 Ctrl + Esc Open the Start menu.
45 Ctrl + Backspace Delete the previous word.
46 Ctrl + Delete Delete the next word.
47 Ctrl + Arrow Key Move the cursor by words instead of letters.
48 Shift + Arrow Key Select text letter by letter.
49 Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Key Select text word by word.
50 Ctrl + Space Select the entire column in Excel.
43 Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab in a browser.
44 Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open the Task Manager directly.
45 Ctrl + Esc Open the Start menu.
46 Ctrl + Backspace Delete the previous word.
47 Ctrl + Delete Delete the next word.
48 Ctrl + Arrow Key Move the cursor by words instead of letters.
49 Shift + Arrow Key Select text letter by letter.
50 Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Key Select text word by word.
51 Ctrl + Space Select the entire column in Excel.
52 Ctrl + Shift + Space Select the entire row in Excel.
53 Ctrl + Enter Insert a page break in Word or execute a highlighted command in Command Prompt.
54 Ctrl + Home Move to the beginning of the document.
55 Ctrl + End Move to the end of the document.
56 Windows + U Open Ease of Access settings.
57 Windows + K Open the Connect panel to pair with wireless devices.
58 Windows + G Open the Game Bar.
59 Windows + Ctrl + Left/Right Switch between virtual desktops.
60 Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Keys Rotate the screen (on supported devices).
61 Ctrl + L Focus the address bar in a browser.
62 Ctrl + Shift + Delete Open the clear browsing data dialog in a browser.
63 Windows + . (Period) Open the emoji keyboard.
64 Shift + Delete Permanently delete an item without moving it to the Recycle Bin.
65 Alt + Space Open the system menu for the active window (Restore & Minimize & Close).
66 Windows + Ctrl + Shift + B Restart the graphics driver.
67 Ctrl + Numpad + Zoom in (in supported applications like browsers or Photoshop).
68 Ctrl + Numpad - Zoom out (in supported applications).
69 Alt + Up Arrow Navigate to the parent folder in File Explorer.
70 Alt + Left Arrow Go back in File Explorer or a browser.
71 Alt + Right Arrow Go forward in File Explorer or a browser.
72 Windows + H Open the dictation tool.
73 Ctrl + Shift + V Paste without formatting.
74 Alt + Esc Cycle through open applications in the order they were opened.
75 Windows + X Open the Quick Link menu (Power User menu).
76 Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder in File Explorer.
77 Ctrl + Shift + E Expand all folders in the Navigation pane in File Explorer.
78 Ctrl + Up Arrow Scroll up in a webpage without moving the cursor.
79 Ctrl + Down Arrow Scroll down in a webpage without moving the cursor.
80 Windows + Shift + Left/Right Move an active window to another monitor.
81 Ctrl + Alt + Tab View all open windows and apps (similar to Alt + Tab but stays open).
82 Ctrl + Shift + U Underline text in applications like Word.
83 Ctrl + Shift + L Create a bullet list in Word.
84 Windows + Pause/Break Open System Properties.
85 Windows + F Open the Feedback Hub.
86 Ctrl + 1 or 2 or 3… Switch between browser tabs based on their number.
87 Windows + Shift + S Capture a portion of the screen.
88 Alt + Shift + Tab Switch between open apps in reverse order.
89 Ctrl + Shift + P Open a private browsing window in most browsers.
90 Ctrl + ` (Grave Accent) Open the console in applications like Visual Studio Code.
91 Ctrl + K Insert a hyperlink in Word or email clients.
92 Ctrl + Q Close a document in some programs.
93 Ctrl + O Open a file in most programs.
94 Windows + Ctrl + F Search for PCs on the network.
95 Windows + B Focus the notification area (system tray).
96 Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab in a browser.
97 Windows + Shift + M Restore minimized windows from the taskbar.
98 Shift + Click on Taskbar App Open a new instance of the application.
99 Ctrl + Shift + N Open an incognito window in Google Chrome.
100 Windows + Ctrl + Shift + C Copy the color code using the Snipping Tool.